Unquendor is one of the oldest Tolkien Societies in Europe. Founded in 1981, it now prepa­res for its seventh Lustrum,  between Friday 17 and Sunday 19 June  at The Hague.

Frank Wasmus, one of the organiser of Lustrum, has told us more about this annual Tolkien celebration.

“We start the activities late on Friday afternoon 17 June, so there’s lots of time for everybody to check in and renew or make acquaintances with friends both old and new. The central part of the Lustrumfeest is Saturday 18 June, with an acade­mic conference, parallel programme items and a festive banquet. After lunch on Sunday 19 June we regretfully have to break up again.

The main location for this Lustrum is the city of The Hague, where we will stay in a hostel nearby the train station The Hague HS. The academic confe­rence on Saturday will be in Leiden. Transport to and from Leiden will be provided.

It will be no surprise that the lingua Franca of the event will be English. We expect a lot of foreign guests and under those circumstances it is only civil – and convenient – to use a common lan­guage. Former events have proven that English is the language that is spoken or at least under­stood most widely. Tolkien’s language, as well as his works, has reached almost the entire world.

At the moment we are busy working on the pro­gramme, which will be diverse and we trust satis­factory for every participant. A few teasers:

  1. On Saturday there will be an academic confe­rence in Leiden under the title ‘Tolkien among scholars’. This conference, with Tolkien-scholars from different countries, will be organized in co-operation with Leiden University.
  2. On Friday evening, Sunday morning and paral­lel with the conference on Saturday, there will be many other programme items.
  3. On Saturday evening everybody is invited to enjoy a high level festive banquet.
  4. Traditionally there will be a lot of time for party­ing, storytelling, music making and singing too.

Guest of honour is the renowned professor doctor Thomas Honegger. He is the author of many publications on Tolkien, medie­val and Old-English literature. You might particularly know him from his work in the Cormarë-se­ries by Walking Tree publishers, which he helped to found.

The registration rate for the whole event, including accommodation, is € 175.00. This comprises two nights stay, two breakfasts, two lunches, dinner on Friday and the high level banquet on Saturday. And, of course, all the magnificent events we are planning. At Lustrum 2016 you will find more details, also about other arran­gements and registration.

We also have a Facebook page.

As we have experienced before, the Lustrum is a great place to have fun and to meet Tolkien fans from countries around Europe and even from the USA. So treat yourself, join the party and come hither in June 2016!”
