What happens if you mix genres? In the case of 5th Passenger science fiction meets horror in a movie featuring a few well known faces from Star Trek (Tim Russ, Marina Sirtis, Armin Shimerman, Manu Intiraymi, Hana Hatae) and an Emmy-award winning crew (Scott Baker, Morgan Lariah, Thomas E. Suprenant, Ramin Kousha, Tobias Richter, Ryan T. Husk).

The Yellowstone Caldera volcano has erupted, Earth is thrown into chaos. Set in the year 2151, 5th Passenger tells the story of a secretly pregnant female officer and her four man crew. After the explosion of their transport ship, the group is adrift in space inside an escape pod. Running low on air, fighting amongst each other soon start. With a vicious alien on board, however, the crew has to stick together, lest they all be killed.

The initial funds for this movie were raised via Kickstarter, after that different investors were convinced to contribute to the movie as well. Still on a tight budget, the entire team went above and beyond duty to make an outstanding movie. Shooting ended in February this year, and the movie is now in post production. Rumor has it that 5th pPssenger will be completed by December and be released early in 2016. It seems that the make up and costume crew did amazing work on the alien –  the looks of the villain still have not been revealed yet – but following the blog of 5th Passenger really gets you curious!

I am quite intrigued by the concept, and really enjoyed the trailer. 5th passenger is a movie to watch out for. You can keep yourself updated about the movie on the official homepage or Facebook. Also, keep an eye out right here on the SFFN for an exclusive interview with co producer Manu Intiraymi (that you will remember as “Icheb” from Star Trek: Voyager and Star Trek: Renegades).
