For years Dutch fans of comics, sci-fi , fantasy and cosplay have been craving for a comic convention like the ones they have in the USA. Now their prayers have been answered. After much planning, the Dutch have just hosted their very first Comic Con!

15.000 guests, walked through the doors on the first day alone, marking a very successful début.

There were comic artists like Andrew Wildmen (best known for illustrating books such as Transformers, The X-Men, Spider-Man and Venom) and Joe Benitez (known through DC Comics and A Game of Thrones prequel). We were also treated to: Giancarlo Esposito from Breaking Bad and Revolution; Osric Chau from Supernatural; Julian Clover From Game of Thrones; Micheal Cutlitz from Walking Dead and Claudia Wells from Back to the Future. These were just some of the fantastic guests at the con.

And did I mention that we had cars? And not just any cars! From the Ecto-1 in  Ghostbusters, to the Batmobile, to the Delorean from Back to the Future. My geek heart ran a little faster when I saw them, I must confess!

There was even a free cinema in which you could watch the new Daniel Redcliff’s movie, Horns.

Money was well and truly spent in the huge dealer room, on comics, gadgets, vintage toys, books, Anime, manga and figurines. I haven’t seen that many dealers in one room in the Netherlands before!

For us Cosplayers, they organised a contest with International Cosplay Judges like Elisa Lydia Mami and Giada Robin from Italy and Enji Knight from Hungary. I was wearing my Osgood costume and I had a great time. It was amazing to see so many great cosplayers in one building sharing their love for comics and sci-fi, all as equals, enjoying one another’s Cosplay.

With plans to hold the con in the Jaarbeurs in Utrecht , I can recommend every one to go and enjoy it. I had longed for a big con for years and Dutch Comic Con delivered. Till next year Dutch Comic Con!

Linda Krol is a 32-year-old cosplayer from the Netherlands, with a passion for prop making. She studied fashion in school and started roaming the cosplay scene in 2008. Her main character is the 11th Doctor, although she can turn into Osgood in a heartbeat.
