Articles By This Author


Genshin Impact 2.7 Update Delayed

Due to have released back on May 11th the 2.7 update for Genshin Impact has been delayed with no new date currently given. While the


Nigerian SF, Fantasy and Speculative Fiction

Have you dipped your toe into the weird and wonderful worlds of SF and Fantasy by authors from Nigeria and the diaspora? Multiple ethnic groups


Doctor Who Katy Manning Interview – Tim Treloar and more

Katy Manning, who played Jo Grant, companion to Jon Pertwee’s 3rd Doctor, has expressed her delight at working with Tim Treloar on Big Finish Audios.


Whovian Feminism

A lot has been said about Doctor Who and politics, and Alyssa Franke’s blog has been a powerful voice in that conversation. Whovian Feminism has been


Thoughts on Thrones 4 – The Sons of the Harpy

This week Nathan reviews ‘Game Of Thrones’ Season 5, Episode 4, ‘The Sons of the Harpy’. Tag along for the discussion on the latest episode of the new series


Kwelengsen Storm – By David M. Kelly

You can turn your back on war, but sometimes it refuses to let you go. When Logan Twofeathers takes on the job of head of


Sylvester McCoy at LFCC – Doctor Who Interview

At London Film and Comic Con this past month I got to interview Sylvester McCoy, Doctor Who star, who now sports a beard. But why


Why Asajj Ventress Almost Duelled Kylo Ren

The Sith assassin Asajj Ventress has a long history. She almost took the place of Count Dooku in Episodes II and III. Lucasfilm dug up


Paper Mario Colour Splash: A Post-Mortem

With Paper Mario: The Origami King on the horizon I’ve been playing through the last Paper Mario release. Arriving late in the Wii U’s already brief


Final Fantasy VII: Rebirth – Announced

SquareEnix have announced the second part of the Final Fantasy 7 remake. The second part titled Final Fantasy VII Rebirth will continue on from where