Articles By This Author


“Light of the Jedi” Book Review

“Light of the Jedi” is set at the highest point of the pre-Clone Wars Republic. The Jedi Order are numerous, the Republic builds its Great


10 Reasons Why You Should Attend Oxonmoot

A message from Shaun Gunner, Chairman of the Tolkien Society: The Tolkien Society’s Oxonmoot is the world’s longest-running annual event dedicated to Tolkien. Taking place in


Episode VII – The Force Awakens

Can you feel it yet? Set thirty years after Star Wars: Episode VI – Return of the Jedi, we have a new instalment to continue


Lightsaber Combat At Its Finest: “Trials of the Darksaber” Review

Star Wars has always been about lightsaber combat. It is one of the iconic devices of the franchise and the makers of Star Wars Rebels


All Men Must Sing – Game of Thrones The Musical.

Game of Thrones: The Musical. For Red Nose Day on NBC, Coldplay and the cast of Game of Thrones join forces for the band’s most


What's New In Politics? – TNG

During “The next Generation” we are introduced to quite a few alien races, and with them to a lot of new political plotlines. The neutral,


New Giveaway – Mike Carey's Unwritten Apocalypse

As a follow up to our recent interview with Mike Carey, we have a further great Giveaway for one lucky individual. The giveaway is now


The Walking Dead Vs. Z Nation: How To Effectively Eat People Pt.1

Recently I’ve been thinking about cannibalism…This is a rather odd thing for a vegetarian to do, but as I started watching Z Nation I got


Interview with Andrew Mayer – Part 2

Welcome back for the conclusion to our interview with Andrew Mayer, author of The Society of Steam Trilogy. Part 1 can be read here. AA: Hearts of


In The Spotlight: Interview with Elizabeth Priest

Let’s start from the beginning. Who were the writers who inspired you to become an author? I always feel like it’s too simple to just