Articles By This Author


Knights of the Fallen Empire – Chapter X

After the great launch of Knights Of The Fallen Empire last year, my expectations of the next chapter were heightened. This time I must admit


“TK-436: A Stormtrooper Story”, The Fan-Film of the Year

“TK-436” is not the catchiest name for a film, even less for a fan-film, yet it was exactly this film which received the Filmmaker Select


Time Lord Fairy Tales & The Dangerous Book of Monsters

New books in the Doctor Who range from Penguin have hit the shelves. If you have little ones interested in how the Doctor got mixed


Coral, Zombies, And The Existential Crisis: It’s A Dull New Dawn For The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead has returned to our screens following the mid-season hiatus and I was greatly looking forward to it. Not because this season has


Knights of the Fallen Empire – Chapter XI and XII

The following article will include SPOILERS for Star Wars: The Old Republic Online´expansion, Knights of the Fallen Empire. The last months two other chapters for


Assassin’s Creed: Origins – First Impressions

I’ve only spent one weekend with this title, so far, after its release on the 27th October. However, here are my initial impressions. A full


Augment Nation by Scott Overton

Sudbury author Scott Overton is offering a cautionary story with his new science fiction novel Augment Nation. The augments referred to in the title are


The Best MMORPGs of The Past Decade

But what is an MMO anyway? These oddly used letters refer to hundreds of games and is an abbreviation on Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing


Lord Of The World – Review

When I was visiting my parents in Rome this past Christmas, a book in my mother’s room caught my eye: “From the Library of Pope


Contradiction – The Interactive Murder Mystery

A few months back I interviewed John Guilor – voice of the First Doctor and many others. I asked him about this video game ‘Contradiction‘