Articles By This Author


The Rise of Kylo Ren: Look Back Into The Past

Sometimes the films do not sufficiently address a character’s backstory. Often we can do without it. Sometimes, less is more. But sometimes there are just


Anna Thayer & 'The Knight Of Eldaran'

I had the pleasure of meeting author Anna Thayer in 2012. We were attending ‘Return of the Ring’, the last large-scale Tolkien conference at Loughborough University. At


Sith Planets: Malachor, Nearly Lovecraftian

Sith Temple on Malachor digital lighting concept painting (source: “There are dark places in the galaxy where few tread.” The Star Wars universe knows


Uncle Curro: J.R.R. Tolkien's Spanish Connection.

We are thrilled to announce the imminent release of “‘Uncle Curro’. J.R.R. Tolkien’s Spanish Connection” by José Manuel Ferrandez-Bru, featuring insights from Priscilla Tolkien and a


Council of Geeks – Interview with Nathaniel Wayne

We are delighted to be joined by Nathaniel Wayne, author of Dreams of Fire. They are best known for their YouTube channel, The Council of


Darth Vader on Exegol and Other Stories: “Darth Vader” Comics Review

A series of Darth Vader-centric comics has been continuously released since 2020. It started with the Dark Heart of the Sith – a story set


Alan Lee & The Tolkien Society

Rivendell. By Alan Lee The imagery created by English book illustrator and movie conceptual designer, Alan Lee has entered the imagination of several generations, across


Lalla Ward Interview – Romana Returns

This week’s interview is with Lalla Ward, who has returned to the role of Romana in Doctor Who Big Finish audio dramas a number of


Self-Assessment for Writers: An Overview

The 5th of April is coming closer. If you own a business and live in the UK, then it means only one thing: self-assessment time.


Elite: Dangerous – Still Alive

Children are wonderful things, full of wants and needs. I remember a few of my own wants from the early days. I wanted a robot