Articles By This Author


Why Do You Write?

One of the main reasons for failure lies in not knowing why we do something. As a high school teacher, I was always told that


The One Thing Sequel Trilogy Missed

Now that all three films of Star Wars sequel trilogy are out, we can finally evaluate them all together. The Rise of Skywalker has put


Rebels Season 3 Pilot: Steps Into Shadow Review

(image source: After half a year of expectation, Star Wars Rebels fans finally got their long-expected sequel. Following the closure of last season, which


Stunning Dark Fantasy for Mental Health Awareness Week

English author and artist Hazel Butler has Rapid Cycling Bipolar Disorder I. Hazel’s life and experiences in her teens and early twenties were defined by


Retro Review: Super Smash Bros Brawl

With Super Smash Bros Ultimate for the Nintendo Switch tantalizingly just over the horizon and with some big questions still not answered about how many newcomers we


The End of the (Disc)World?

On the 12th of March this year, we lost a genius. Sir Terry Pratchett OBE peacefully succumbed to the Alzheimer which has afflicted him since


Retro Review: Time Soldiers

The Master System is probably not your first choice for a console to fire up if you want some multi-player action. The system has a


Retro Review: Dynamite Dux

Dynamite Dux is a side-scrolling beat ’em up for the Sega Master System. Like many Master System games its an arcade port, and not a


Are You Missing Out On Money From Your Book?

When I was a self-published author, I did a lot of background research on all things marketing, revenues’ avenues, etc. I have said that before:


Paul Cornell – A Better Way To Die – Review

Paul Cornell is a British writer, and a man of many talents – he’s written novels, short fiction, comics, non-fiction, TV tie-ins, Screenplays… He’s been