Articles By This Author

10 Best Sith Lords In The Star Wars History
- By admin
- . February 25, 2023
In science fiction, the Sith Lords have repeatedly played the role of some of the most intriguing and memorable antagonists. There has been a never-ending

After Dooku's Treasury: Bad Batch Season 2 Is On
- By admin
- . February 25, 2023
The story of runaway clones that deserted after Order 66 continues. The Bad Batch Season 2 has aired on 4th January with first two episodes,
In the Spotlight: Interview with Chloe Smith
- By admin
- . February 25, 2023
Chloe Smith’s new novella, Virgin Land, will be released on February 7, 2023, as part of the Luna Novella series, by Luna Press Publishing. You
Extinction Hymns by Eric Raglin
- By admin
- . February 25, 2023
Extinction Hymns: The newest collection of horror and science fiction by author, Eric Raglin A vengeful owl haunts the man who poached her. A desperate entrepreneur
In the Spotlight: Interview with Abigail F Taylor
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- . February 25, 2023
Abigail F Taylor’s new novella, The Night Begins, will be released on February 7, 2023, as part of the Luna Novella series, by Luna Press

10 Best Sith Lords In The Star Wars History (Part 2)
- By admin
- . February 25, 2023
(previous part here) 6. Darth Maul Darth Maul was the first apprentice that Darth Sidious ever took on, and later he served as a Dark Lord.
Legend of Korra – Turf Wars Part 1 Review
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- . February 25, 2023
The Legend of Korra is back in the much anticipated comics, Turf Wars. Part 1 was released just this past month and now we’ve had

Star Trek: Discovery Gets Dark And Gritty In Context Is For Kings
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- . February 21, 2023
The third episode in the new Star Trek series has a slow start, but thankfully does not present us with an immediate reset. I was

The Day of the Doctors 2 – Tom Baker, Matthew Waterhouse and more
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- . February 16, 2023
This past weekend I had the pleasure of attending The Day of the Doctors 2 Doctor Who convention, hosted by Tenth Planet Events in Slough.

- By admin
- . February 16, 2023
A flutter is a gathering of butterflies. Elegant, ethereal, inspiring joy and wonder. But not all butterflies feed on flowers and light. Some are drawn