Articles By This Author


A Brief History of the Sonic Screwdriver

Having shed the controversial sonic sunglasses, the twelfth Doctor has now obtained a brand new sonic screwdriver with which he will no doubt unlock locks,


Resistance: “Signal From Sector Six” Review

“Signal From Sector Six” offered us a callback to The Force Awakens in several ways. First, after some time, Poe Dameron made an appearance and


Elvira's Make Up Corner – A View On The New

 Recreating an Iconic Super Villain  – Jared Leto’s look as the new Joker Most fans agree that Jared Leto was the right choice to


Battleborn Release

On the 3rd May the long awaited new title from the makers of Borderlands arrived, but you would have been hard pushed to find a review


Steampunk Writers: César Santivañez

Today we would like you to meet César Santivañez, one of the “Steampunk Writers Around the World” authors. César has contributed the short story “LAS CADENAS INFINITAS”,


Writers of Sci-Fi: David J Howe Interview – Telos Books

The latest Writers of Sci-Fi Interview is with David J Howe, who runs Telos Publishing, a multi-award-winning independent press specialising in high quality books for everyone


“Life” Film Review

It may not have been the best moment for me to see Life when I did, as it was one of those times when I


Legend of Korra Comics: Irene Koh Interview

The Legend of Korra is back! We spoke to Irene Koh, the artist behind Turf Wars, the upcoming graphic novel trilogy. The first graphic novel trilogy


Black Friday Gaming Deals

It’s ‘that’ time of year again. When everyone from Amazon to the Milkman is offering you a ‘discount’ on things you probably don’t need. From


Retro Review: Castlevania: Circle of the Moon

Continuing our season of Castlevania content, this week is a recommendation for the first Castlevania game I ever played. Castlevania for the Gameboy Advance (better known as