Articles By This Author


Alien: Covenant Review

The crew of a colony ship, bound for a remote planet, discover an uncharted paradise with a threat beyond their imagination, and must attempt a


Overwatch – Beta

Feel free to either watch the review below or read it, the old-fashioned way. I like to cater to all tastes. Blizzard opened up the


Sophie Aldred on Pearl Mackie and more (Interview)

Sophie Aldred spoke to us last week and gave some ‘pearls of wisdom’ for Pearl Mackie, the new companion on Doctor Who. In our interview


Steampunk Writers: Fábio Fernandes

Today we would like you to meet Fábio Fernandes, one of the “Steampunk Writers Around the World” authors. Fábio has contributed the short story “EL ALFÉREZ DE HIERRO”,


Tragedy of the Cybermen

Are the Cybermen the most tragic villains in Doctor Who? Is there a tragedy to their story and character? Cybermen Nightmare in Silver Following on


Janet Varney Interview – Avatar Korra Speaks Out

Nickelodeon’s epic fantasy series Avatar: The Last Airbender and its sequel The Legend of Korra recently came to a close after ten years. The show


Hell Bent – Doctor Who Finale Review

The Doctor Who series finale Hell Bent sees our Time Lord returning to Gallifrey and breaking every principle he holds dear just to save his


Steampunk: Take The Best, Address The Rest

Aside from the usual question of “What is Steampunk”, deftly answered by G.D Falksen, among others, some of the many follow-up questions and discussions include


Arthur & Merlin – Back to the Origins

Arthur & Merlin is a 2015 British feature film, directed by Marco van Belle. We catch up with Kirk Barker, who plays Arthur, Stefan Butler playing Merlin


Niky Wardley Interview – Big Finish Doctor Who Companion

At Big Finish Day 8 hosted by 10th Planet Events, I got to interview Niky Wardley, who has been a Doctor Who companion in the