Articles By This Author


David Anthony Durham Interview

Our Writers of Fantasy Interview series continues with David Anthony Durham, best known for the Acacia trilogy and his new book The Risen. We talked


Fight Like A Girl – Joanne Hall Interview

Fight Like A Girl, the brand new anthology of short stories written by and about women in science fiction and fantasy is out now! As we mentioned


How Whittaker's First Scene Mirrors Her Announcement

Like pretty much every other fan on the planet, I spent much of Christmas day eagerly awaiting the 13th Doctor’s first scene. When Whittaker appeared,


Daredevil Season 2 – Review

There was a time, not too long ago, when Daredevil was little more than a new kid on the TV block, carrying the weight of


The Evolution of Vampires: The Oldest Tales

Vampires. We see them on television, in books, featured in artwork, and during Halloween, we love to dress up as one. Where does it all


The Voice of K-9 – John Leeson Interview

It is almost 40 years since K-9, the robotic dog companion, first appeared in Doctor Who. I had the chance to interview John Leeson, the


Becky Chambers Interview – Writers of Sci-Fi

Our Writers of Sci-Fi Interview series continues with the incredible Becky Chambers. Best known for her phenomenal ‘A Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet’,


Zen Cho Interview – Writers of Fantasy

I got to interview Zen Cho as part of our Writers of Fantasy series! Author of the award winning Sorcerer to the Crown. She is


Delia Derbyshire – Revolutionary Music

This past week marked the 78th birthday of Delia Derbyshire, who infamously realised the Doctor Who theme music in 1963. The theme has been remixed


Game of Thrones Mother's Mercy

This week Nathan reviews ‘Game Of Thrones’ Season 5, Episode 10, ‘Mother’s Mercy’. Tag along for the discussion on the last episode of the new