After a bootleg version leaked late Thursday, Warner Bros. officially releases a dark and gritty trailer for next year’s ‘Batman v Superman.’

It has been announced that the first trailer for director Zack Snyder’s Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice would be launched on 20 April 2016, but Thursday night saw a bootleg copy leaked online.

The low-quality film featuring Portuguese subtitles, was uploaded on YouTube before being taken down minutes later. It starts with snippets of dialogue, including lines from Jesse Eisenberg and Holly Hunter, as they discuss the negative public reaction to Superman.

The storyline starts off with the irate residents of Metropolis voicing their displeasure about the power being wielded by the Man of Steel, “Absolute power corrupts…” , causing tension with the industrialist Bruce Wayne.

“Devils don’t come from hell beneath us,” Lex Luthor says. “They come from the sky.”

The trailer goes on to show a Superman statue carrying the words “False God” on it, being defaced and the crowd shouting “Go home…”. Cut to a very moody Ben Affleck – and get ready for the mother of all showdowns between the two heroes. “Tell me, do you bleed?” Batman asks. “You will.”

Batman v Superman hits cinemas on 25 March, 2016.
