Big Finish Productions have now confirmed that David Tennant and Catherine Tate will be reprising their roles as the Tenth Doctor and Donna Noble.

This will open a new series in Big Finish’s Doctor Who Range – the Tenth Doctor Adventures. All surviving Doctors from the classic era have had brand new life breathed into them thanks to the work of Big Finish and now David Tennant will join them.

John Hurt has also been announced as joining the audio adventures teams with a series of stories starring the War Doctor.

For the Tenth Doctor Adventures, the first adventure will be Technophobia by Matt Fitton. It is set in a future where mankind is gradually losing its ability to use everyday technology. Could there be an evil force at work?

The second adventure will be Time Reaver by Jenny T Colgan. The Doctor and Donna arrive on Calibris – ‘An entirely mechanical planet. Catch, hitch, fuel, fix, buy, pretty much any kind of transportation in existence.’ It’s also a world full of scoundrels, where a deadly black market has opened up in a device known only as the Time Reaver.

And thirdly, Death and the Queen by James Goss, sees Donna swept along in a fairytale romance where she meets the man of her dreams in the beautiful land of Goritania. What can possibly go wrong? And why has the Doctor never heard of Goritania?

Executive producer Nicholas Briggs (who we interviewed here) had this to say:

‘I’ve enjoyed working with all the Doctors on TV, but David is the only one I’d known before he became the Doctor. I’d worked with him on our Dalek Empire series for Big Finish and had such fun. So along with the excitement of directing new Tenth Doctor adventures, I’m so happy to be working with an old chum again.’

Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor Adventures is produced by David Richardson, script edited by Matt Fitton and James Goss and directed by Nicholas Briggs.
