“What the Wind Brings” by Matthew Hughes

Out of the fires of Caribbean revolution, shipwrecked onto the jungle shore of Ecuador, a slave, a captive, and a shaman fight inquisition-era Spain for


Accio Quiddich World Cup!

I often wonder if J.K. Rowling could ever have imagined the sport she created to keep Harry Potter fit actually making it into the real


Witcher 3 Hearts of Stone Review – PS4

Feel free to either watch the review below or read it, the old-fashioned way. I like to cater to all tastes. I enjoyed playing Witcher


Pokemon Go is Go…ish

The 5th July saw the launch of Nintendo’s latest Pokémon game and it is leaps and bounds beyond its predecessors, as it takes Pokémon capture


Owen Elgie Unleashes Dragons for our Latest Giveaway

Meet writer Owen Elgie, a new Welsh voice on the scene of urban fantasy. In this interview, Owen talks to us about dragons, rugby and


Supergirl Season 3 'The Faithful' Review

Episode four of Supergirl explores the idea of faith as a weapon. Kara encounters Coville, a man who has come to worship her after she


Pokémon Go – Buddy Update Release

After a frustrating wait, when the update’s release was announced by developer, Niantic, but very few players seemed to have it, the update finally rolled


Leo's Fortune Review

Leo’s Fortune is a charming, if rather simple, little indie platform game. The game play is a mix of Sonic the hedgehog, with the need


Pillars of Eternity – Review

Feel free to either watch the review below or read it, the old-fashioned way. I like to cater to all tastes. If you’ve missed this


Dragon Age Inquisition DLC – Trespasser

Feel free to either watch the review below or read it, the old fashioned way. I like to cater to all tastes. The Trespasser DLC