“Deep Blue” Cover Reveal

Today, publisher Piatkus reveals the cover of Jane O’Reilly’s new book, Deep Blue. It’s the second instalment of The Second Species Trilogy. Date: 27th September 2188. 


Qi'ra: How Much A Victim?

When Han Solo meets Qi’ra after three years, she is working for the Crimson Dawn. Her past remains mysterious for the most part, and she


Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare's Brand New Zombie Redwood Rave

Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare is about to launch its first batch of downloadable content. Publisher Activision announced today that the set is called Sabotage,


Ken MacLeod “The Corporation Wars: Dissidence” Book Review

Political infighting and activism escalated to open warfare, with the state playing the 3rd party in the ring? Exploration robots attaining sentience/self-awareness, downing tools and


Battle for Azeroth – What Went Wrong?

It’s hard for any World of Warcraft player, right now, to not be aware of the massive backlash unleashed in the WoW community following the


Peter Watts – The Freeze-Frame Revolution

What do you do when a book you’ve been asking, wishing, begging for finally arrives, several years later than you’d have liked it to? When


Vampyr: Could It Be? A Vampire Game That DOESN'T Suck??

So, anyone who knows me knows I’m not a massive gamer. I do however…dabble. For the right kind of game. I’ve got a bit of


Annalee Newitz “Autonomous” – Review

What do you get when someone deeply embedded in the Now, the discussions around our online culture, about our electronic rights, about where we are


Kristina Rienzi Launches Critically Acclaimed Audio Thriller: Winter Road

A skillfully crafted tense and suspense-filled atmosphere traps the reader as a psychopath reins terror on an unsuspecting family. Rienzi created a compelling fast-paced holiday thriller


Lucian & SF Origins

The story so far: The Epic of Gilgamesh Indian Epic Poetry Aristophanes Revelation We continue our journey into the origins of Science Fiction, with the