Genki Gear From Disney to Harry Potter; Star Wars to Doctor Who; and everything in-between, we want the people of Scotland to proudly unleash their inner geek to raise money for CHAS. Up for it? Assemble the troops and stand strong beside CHAS on Friday 2 March, by donating £2 to wear your favourite geeky t-shirt. CHAS is the Children’s Hospices Across Scotland. For over twenty years they’ve been offering a full family support service for babies, children and young people with life-shortening conditions across the whole of Scotland. Everyone can help spread the word! For example, why not unleash your inner Tweet and share the following: I’m excited to be donning my favourite geeky t-shirt to help @supportCHAS #KeepTheJoyAlive for children with life-shortening conditions on Friday 2 March! Will you join me? Sign up now: I’m wearing my favourite geeky t-shirt for @supportCHAS today! Will you join me and help #KeepTheJoyAlive for children with life-shortening conditions? Text GEEK18 70070 to donate £2 to take part. [Attach photo of you wearing geeky t-shirt]

Want to send your own messages? No problem! Just remember to use the following hashtags: #KeepTheJoyAliveTag our accounts: Twitter: @SupportCHAS & Facebook: /supportCHAS
