In separate announcements, gamers were recently made aware that two of their most anticipated releases of the first quarter of 2020 have been delayed.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake

The Final Fantasy 7 remake was originally planned for release on March 3rd which following a recent announcement by Square Enix producer Yoshinori Kitase has been push back to April 10th. In terms of game release delays this is far from a biggie. The reasons cited for the delay is to give the team more time to polish the game and deliver the best possible experience.

Cyberpunk 2077

For Cyberpunk 2077 fans, however, the outlook is little bleaker as the title originally due out on 16th April has now been pushed back until 17th September. This five month delay is rather more sizable and similar reasons have been stated, by developer CD Projekt Red, as those cited by Square Enix in the delay of the Final Fantasy 7 Remake. Fans have been reassured that the game is complete and playable but that the team feel there is still more work to be done. According to CD Projekt Red the size complexity of the open world environment and associated content has led to the need for more time to playtest, fix and polish the title for release.

These sorts of delays might be depressing for fans who were eagerly waiting to get their hands on a copy of either of the above games, but it’s important to remember the results of titles that were rushed to completion to meet deadlines, Cough *Ubisoft*. I for one, would rather a title be delayed and given a good dose of TLC before its release than end up with another Assassin’s Creed Unity or (insert any other buggy mess release here) unfortunately, there’s been plenty to choose from.
