The popular and often reliable Blogtor Who is reporting that David Tennant and Catherine Tate have joined up with Big Finish Productions to create some new Doctor Who audio dramas. Big Finish have, until fairly recently, been purely in the classic-era of the show. But since they secured the rights to various “new” Who characters such as River Song, Strax, and the Weeping Angels (among others), the question has been bubbling: what about the newer Doctors?

As Blogtor reports

“Fans will also be delighted to know that both David Tennant and Catherine Tate will be returning to their roles as The Tenth Doctor and Donna Noble respectively for Big Finish. The pair have signed up to recreate their roles for audio in a series due for release in 2016. Blogtor understands the scripts are ready to go and will be recorded when David and Catherine’s schedules permit.” – Blogtor Who

Big Finish themselves have yet to comment on this story and it remains to be confirmed. But fans of the Tenth Doctor and Donna Noble will no doubt be jumping for joy. Blogtor Who has rarely been wrong in the past and you can see my interview with Cameron K McKewan here.

More news on this as it develops.
