The long awaited fifth instalment of the main Devil May Cry franchise is due for release on Friday. This is the first main title release since Devil May Cry 4 back in 2008, not counting the controversial reboot title DmC: Devil May Cry back in 2013 which I, personally, enjoyed, but which many fans refuse to accept as a Devil May Cry game.

Devil May Cry 5 is set several years after the events of Devil May Cry 4 and sees both Nero and Dante return as playable characters along with a new character called V. While Dante is hired by the mysterious character V to investigate a series of demon attacks, Nero is busy hunting down a hooded figure who stole his Devil Bringer arm. Both end up in Red Grave City which is soon attacked by a giant blood sucking tree, the Qliphoth Tree.

The game looks great and seems to have all the usual Devil May Cry fast paced action and gameplay loved by fans and I, for one, will certainly be grabbing my copy on release. The only controversial element is the decision of Capcom to include an in-game purchase option for red orbs which can be used to power up the characters skills and weapons. However, considering the trend for including in game purchases across industry, in general, the inclusion can’t really be seen as a surprise. Capcom have been defending the choice by stating that similar purchases were also included in Devil May Cry 4: Special Edition without altering the games progression system.  So it seems unlikely that this inclusion should prove a deal breaker on those fans thinking of picking the title up.

This title looks like a must buy for Devil May Cry fans. Feel free to check out the latest trailer, above, if you want to see more.
