BBC Worldwide released a brand new Doctor Who colouring book recently and we are here to review it! There have, of course, been similar things in the distant past and I have vague memories of slightly terrifying Jon Pertwee faces being horribly coloured in by youngsters, back in the day. But this is an attempt to bring the format into the new age, as well as aiming it at both youngsters and adults. Does it succeed?

I didn’t really grow up with colouring books, I have to say, and I don’t remember enjoying the process when I did have colouring to do. So it was with some sense of trepidation that I approached this new title, unsure of what was really expected of it, and what it was supposed to do for me. As it happens, though, I found it somewhat entertaining and can see a lot of potential for the more artistically talented to have a lot of fun with it.

There’s a very good range of challenges in this book, from complex scenes of Weeping Angels bearing down on you, to simple ‘colour the TARDIS’ pages.

Some of the more ambitious pages are incredibly daunting, however, and I remember looking at a particularly intricate Cybermen challenge early on in the book and skipping over it very quickly.

This may be a downfall for the book – that the complexities of some of the images are such that one may feel the need to leave them rather than appreciate them. It’s also unfortunate that most of the images do not look as good as they could when left in black and white – I know this is ostensibly to encourage you to colour them in, but it really looks like effort has gone into some of these pictures and I wonder how many people will give them the time of day. But this probably means that if you’re not very good at colouring, or don’t enjoy the activity much, this book probably isn’t for you, even from an aesthetic point of view.

If you’re a fan of colouring, definitely check it out.

Doctor Who Colouring Book
