The latest entry in our search for the best (and worst) of Doctor Who music comes from Frazer Hines, former companion to the Second Doctor. He is also famous for his role on TV farm-based soap, Emmerdale, where he played Joe Sugden until 1994.

This novelty record, Who’s Doctor Who, came out in 1963, during Hines’ third year on the show. It was released with Major Minor Records and was written by Barry Mason and Les Reed.

Jamie McCrimmon was one of the most popular companions of the classic series, a young Piper from 18th Century Scotland who unexpectedly became a member of team TARDIS after the actors got along so well they could not be separated.

Hines and Patrick Troughton (Second Doctor) were firm friends both on and off screen. Go to a Doctor Who convention and Frazer will probably be there, such is his enthusiasm for the show and the fans. He also does a hauntingly good Patrick Troughton impression, which has been utilised by Big Finish in some audio adventures in the Companion Chronicles line, as well as the Fiftieth Anniversary audio play, The Light at the End.

This song was not exactly a smash hit. It was later called, by Hines himself, “The only flop [Mason and Reed] ever wrote.”

That being said; just try to get this song out of your head. It’s very hard to do.
