The new update to Genshin Impact is now live and the Golden Apple Archipelago is back with new challenges, puzzles and a timed storyline event to experience. The area is only available for limited time, so all those wanting to join in are advised not to delay too long. Characters available in the first banner are Kazuha and Klee for 5 stars and Yoimiya in the second half. A new anemo 4 star character Shikanoin Heizou is available in the first half as one of the boosted 4 stars. There are also two new skins available during the event. One for Fischl which can be earned for free by completing the timed event and one for Diluc which needs to be purchase from the in game store for half price during the event and full price after. A new permanent hang out for Heizou and character story quest for Kazuha has also been added in this update. Feel free to check out the trailer above for more information.
