Jef Murray

The world has woken up today to the very sad news of the death of Jef Murray, one of the most talented Tolkien inspired artist of his generation.

Jef created art all his life, growing up in the north Georgia hills. He sketched natural and mythological wildlife and landscapes, and enjoyed to explore the connection between myth/fairy tales and Christian thought.

The members of the Tolkien Society met Jef’s art through the pages of Amon Hen and Mallorn, the society’s regular publications. His weekly contributions to the TS Facebook page, the “Tolkien Tuesday”, will be sorely missed.

Jef was a great influence to the people he met. Jay Johnstone, renowned Tolkien artist, told us, “Jef challenged me to truly think about my painting and made me the artist I am today.”

From the SFFN team, our heartfelt condolences to Jef’s family.
