New footage has been released of the upcoming game based on the Harry Potter franchise. The new footage was released by Sony through their State of Play developer updates, but the game is also due to be released for Xbox consoles and Switch. This will be an open world, action RPG set in the world of the Harry Potter franchise but is set two centuries before the famous wizard takes the stage. The player will be able to make their own witch or wizard who joins Hogwarts as a year 5 student. The developer promises adaptable styles of play with the player able to specialise in many different types of magic disciplines from potion making to raising magic creatures and more. The player will be free to explore the area in and around Hogwarts on a broomstick.

While the game sound promising it’s not due for release until the holiday period, and so it still remains to be seen if the developer’s promises will be delivered on release. Raising particular concerns with gamers, is the announcement that it will also be released on the Switch which many feel might restrict the scale and functionality of the current generation console versions, which are capable of so much more. This remains to be seen. Feel free to check out the video above for more information.
