Remember puberty? I think we all know that this particular period of life can mean going through emotional hell. Now imagine you’re doing it while just having found out that you’ve turned into a vampire. Kissing your girlfriend? Yeah! … But that might kill her.

And now for the fun part: I kissed a Vampire – is a musical. Yes, you heard me right. They divided the movie into three parts, each about 10 minutes long. The story itself revolves around Dylan Knight, a teenager who is going through the process of becoming a vampire; Sara Lane, a girl he’d like to have as his girlfriend and Trey Sylvania, the bad boy of the show, full fledged vampire and loving every second of it.

Don’t expect too much and most certainly no Shakespeare – this is a b-movie at best – but people do put up a good effort, at least in my opinion. They don’t take the whole thing too seriously, whether that is the show itself or vampirism as such. The movie is a bit of light, humorous entertainment, chiefly intended for young teens. As is appropriate with teens, we find the struggle for true love lost in an ill-fated love triangle. And the big question whether the girl will go for the good guy or the bad one.

What I like about I kissed a Vampire is that it shows there is life beyond “Dance of the Vampires” (movie or musical), “Dracula” or other dark and brooding types of vampire fiction. Strangely enough there are songs in there I can’t get out of my head either.
