John’s Eyes is the first release in the Luna Novella series by Luna Press Publishing. It is a pocket-size series of speculative novellas, ranging from SF to fantasy via all their sub-genres.

John’s Eyes is a SF novella. John’s eyes were manufactured with the purpose of providing sight to those who have lost it. Equipped with the ability to learn, the eyes develop a sense of responsibility to ensure John’s happiness. John’s eyes strive to please and with the power to enhance everything that John sees, they soon realise that they are able to manipulate his images. With a skewed sense of emotional intelligence combined with unquestioning loyalty to John, the actions of John’s eyes lead to devastating consequences.

Joanna Corrance is a Scottish lawyer and writer living in the countryside near Inverness. She studied law at The University of Edinburgh before returning to the Highlands of Scotland where she was originally brought up. Her interests in writing and literature include Gothic horror, dark fantasy, thriller and science fiction. In her spare time she enjoys illustrating and playing the violin and piano.

John’s Eyes will be released on the 19th of February, and is available to order here.
