LUNA – The Shadow Dust, is a hand-animated, puzzle adventure developed by Lantern Studio, a small team which managed to fund the project through Kickstarter in 2016. The game follows a young boy and his mysterious friend who must restore light to an enchanted world.

With a story told through 2d Cinematics without any need for dialogue and with its own original score, this is sure to be one of the Indie classics of 2020. If you would like to check it out then there is a free short Demo available to download on Steam, which is certain to whet your appetite for its coming release.

The beauty of Indie titles over AAA titles for me is the love and dedication many Indie developers lavish on their products and this title looks to be one of those cherished projects. It’s visuals and music are sure to delight and are no doubt the result of a lot of hard work for the small four man team.

If you enjoy a good Indie puzzle game then title is one to wait for and with the release date just announced as February 13th, you won’t have to wait long.
