A few weeks ago, the Star Wars Exhibition at Madame Tussauds in Berlin, opened its doors to the public. Finally a chance to visit the heroes and villains of your childhood – or youth – in flesh-coloured wax and full costume, reconstructed as close as possible to their living counterpart. The exhibition was well attended, maybe a bit too well. It is understandable that people want to gather around the Stars, even if they are made of wax. I mean, where else can you possibly stand close and maybe even touch Jonny Depp?

You have to walk through the whole museum before you can see the Star Wars-themed special exhibition, which is located near the exit area. The little Room was nicely decorated and well featured. The wall covering looked like the inside of an imperial star destroyer or a space station. Some of the walls had screens coverings, showing a view into Space or a space battle in progress. The statues, I have to admit, looked convincingly realistic. Unfortunately I didn’t get a private audience with Darth Vader or Han Solo because the place was packed. Everyone was trying to get the right angle and position to take their perfect picture. My friend Birgit, was able to seat at the Jedi Council and talk to Luke Skywalker about handling a Lightsaber properly.

Altogether it is a worthwhile visit for a Star Wars Fan.
