Luke Evans at 2014 San Diego Comic Con Source: flickr. Author: Gage Skidmore

Born in 1979 in Wales, Luke Evans is currently one of the top ranking actors Hollywood has to offer. Not only did he star in Dracula – Untold (see review) as Vlad the Impaler, he also took on portraying Bard in The Hobbit – The Desolation of Smaug and The Hobbit – The Battle of the Five Armies.

The Fast & Furious 6 – Owen Shaw

Everyone who is into action, action and yet more action (plus cars, we also have those) might want to give this one a try. Not only do we get to see Mr. Evans as ex special forces soldier Shaw, we are also going to be treated to seeing him again in the same role when Fast & Furious 7 hits the box office.

Immortals – Zeus

As if being a hero in The Hobbit wasn’t enough; when heroic just won’t do, be a god! In this particular flick, Luke appears as Zeus, top dog of all Greek gods, who sends Theseus (Henry Cavill) out to find the ancient version of a weapon of mass destruction. As a side note: people who enjoyed what Trevor Morris (soundtrack) did with The Tudors and The Vikings might also want to give this OST a try.

The Three Musketeers – Aramis

An all-time classic, this version of the Three Musketeers may not offer a reinvention of the wheel other than it’s use of 3D technology, but for those who value action and enjoyed the original tale of three men and their unlikely comrade, this movie certainly will serve as a pleasant way to spend some time.

The Raven – Detective Fields

No fangs, yet close enough to the vampire genre, involving blood and mystery murders. Join Edgar Allan Poe (John Cusack) and Detective Fields as they try to solve murders following Poe’s works. Poetry doesn’t get much darker than Poe, so one can guess as to what such poetry paired with a serial killer might do to Baltimore in the middle of the 19th century.

With all that said, Luke Evans, whose positive attitude towards coming out in a notoriously inhospitable industry for homosexuality, has made him even more widely accepted amongst his fans, was discovered through various theatre productions in London. Since he has a love for singing and was part of musicals on the stage, hopefully we can look forward to hearing him sing on the screen as well. Maybe the upcoming Disney remake of Beauty and the Beast, where Luke will be playing the villain Gaston, will treat us to that.
