Perhaps you completed NaNoWriMo last year, and your story has been polished, strengthened and is rearing to be unleashed on the world. Perhaps you had that manuscript in the closet for a while. It’s time to share your journey – you never know where it may lead.

In the month of October, Luna Press Publishing will host its first Open Submission Week, an opportunity to submit your work with a view to receiving a publishing contract. It doesn’t matter if you’ve never been published before, or if you don’t have an agent. Your writing skills and creativity are ALL you need.

If writing is not what you’re about, but you know someone who can be interested, let them know. You can also Twit the following:

Genre: Fantasy, Dark Fantasy, Science Fiction and all their sub-genres Audience: Children, YA, Adults Type: standalone novel (series will be considered, but the opening book must be able to stand alone); short stories collections (specify the theme) Length: 200,000 word limit All the details on how to submit can be found here, on the Luna Press website. What are you waiting for? It’s time to get ready!
