Yes, this is the week that VR comes to console gaming. On October 13, Sony are launching their VR headset compatible with the current PS4 and the upcoming PS4 Pro. A much later release than its PC rivals, Occulus Rift and HTC Vive, the PS VR does offer at least one thing that they don’t, affordability. The PS VR will set you back £349 and will run on the PS4 you likely already have. In contrast, the Occulus Rift will set you back £549 and requires a high spec gaming rig that could set you back 2 to 3 thousand pounds, while the HTC Vive will set you back £800 plus the high spec gaming rig. I don’t know about you, but that’s a bit beyond my budget…

The PS VR is launching with a reported fifty titles. I’ve taken a look at the list of what’s on offer and while there is a great range of titles and a few I wouldn’t mind taking a look at, none of the titles are appealing enough to tempt me into immediately parting with my cash.

Top of my list of the launch titles is Tethered, a sandbox strategy and survival game which looks great and seems to be getting good comments from those privileged to have previewed it. The games I’m most looking forward to coming to PS VR are Resident Evil 7, releasing in January 2017 and Gran Turismo: Sport, release now delayed to many a fan’s dismay. Those are the two titles which might just tempt me into assaulting my bank balance. However, the PS VR is accumulating good reviews, so if any of the launch titles, full list found here, do appeal to you, then you might find it well worth a purchase. I’m certainly planning to get one, when the supported games are right, and I’ll update you on my experiences when I do.
