Resident Evil 2 – PC, PS4, Xbox One:  Release Date 25 January

Many Resident Evil fans were anticipating this release which is a complete remake of the original Resident Evil 2, first released in 1998. The wait seems to be worth it, as the title has launched to strong sales and good reviews. Like Spyro and other recent remakes, this title is a full bottom up recreation with all new models and textures. The title uses the same engine as the latest Resident Evil release RE7: Biohazard and as such has received similar praise for its graphics and atmospherics.

Fans and critics alike seem to agree that this title really returns to the roots of the franchise. The static cameras have been replaced with a third person over the shoulder view. Despite the necessary changes to bring the title up to date, the remake has been praised for its nostalgic feel and keeping the spirit of the original game intact. This is a title I’ll certainly be checking out in the not too distant future and I would encourage any other Resident Evil or survival horror fans to follow suit as remake or not this looks to be one of the best titles released to date for the genre.

Kingdom Hearts 3 –  PS4 : Release Date 29 January

Also just released is the long awaited third instalment of the Kingdom Hearts franchise. There’s no shortage of trailers, if you want to check the game out, one of which is above. Initial reviews look good and my copy should be waiting for me at home. Well, it better be. Reviews currently released praise the gameplay, combat and fun factor but do raise some issues with the storyline and narrative, stating that the title sometimes loses its way with some of the Disney world’s storyline serving as a distraction from the title’s main narrative. However, this doesn’t seem to put a damper on the title’s overall review ratings which are currently looking very close to that of Resident Evil 2.

I’m due to jet of out of the country on Saturday for a lengthy holiday, so while I would love to be able to play both of the above titles, time has restricted me to just the one which, for me, has to be Kingdom Hearts 3. After a decade of waiting, I just can’t wait any longer.
