The long awaited, latest instalment of the Resident Evil franchise has now hit the stores. The game follows on from the previous title, Resident Evil 7: Biohazard, as Ethan returns to the survival horror action in a bid to save his daughter from a Romanian village crawling with mutant creatures. The gameplay is reported to be more action orientate than the previous title which may be a small disappointment to fans of the Baker house.

It’s worth noting that unlike its predecessor there is currently no plans for a VR version which may be partly behind the return to a more action style of gameplay as VR motion sickness no longer needs to be considered. I’ll be honest, that the lack of VR support is a disappointment to me, personally. I played through the whole of RE7 on VR mode and it created a complete different kind of experience, but I also understand the limitations it would have put on the style and design of the game and that Sony had paid Capcom a considerable sum to develop RE7 to include VR support which they didn’t for this title.

Resident Evil Village is available on all platforms now. Feel free to check out the trailer above for glimpse of what awaits you in the village.
