Skin for Skin is the fifth release in the Luna Novella series by Luna Press Publishing. It is a pocket-size series of speculative novellas, ranging from SF to fantasy via all their sub-genres.

About the Novella:

And Satan answered the LORD, and said, Skin for skin, yea, all that a man hath will he give for his life.” Job 2:4

Troublesome priest Eve Clements is exiled from her North London parish to remote St Jude’s, miles from the nearest village.

Carrying childhood demons with her, broken relationships and addiction, she becomes an unwilling pawn in a supernatural battle that keeps her confined within the parish grounds, with a congregation that is not what it seems.

Eve must find her purpose if she is to survive, as terrifying apparitions and her own emotional fragility drive her towards breaking point.

Writer, electrician, college lecturer, actor, amateur theatre Director and musician, Terry Grimwood has a number of published novels and novellas under his belt, include Bloody War, Axe, Deadside Revolution, The Places Between, and Joe. His short fiction has appeared in many anthologies and magazines and has been collected in two volumes, The Exaggerated Man and There Is A Way To Live Forever. He Directed the first performances of his own plays, The Bayonet, Tattletale Maryand Tales From The Nightside. These scripts are (or will be in the near future) available from the EXAGGERATED press. As well as fiction, Terry has co-written a number of engineering and electrical installation textbooks. He likes to misquote the legendary Football manager Bill Shankley by claiming that writing is not about life and death…it is much more important than that.

Skin for Skin will be released on the 23rd of February, and is available to order here.
