Next year is anniversary time. With Star Trek turning 50, the sequel to “Into Darkness” finally has been given an official release date. Coming to the theater’s on July 21st 2016 little is known about the movie yet.

J. J. Abrams is “just” on board as producer, being too busy with the new Star Wars trilogy, so Justin Lin (Fast and Furious) is taking over art direction. Rumors have it that William Shatner might make an appearance in the -still untitled- Star Trek Reboot sequel. Zachary Quinto and Chris Pine will play their established roles of Spock and Kirk.

And that’s it already. Paramount really manages to keep a tight rein on rumors this time, so things can remain very exciting. The crew didn’t really start their 5th year mission yet, so the storyline might develop towards this strand, but nothing is sure yet.

Many fans were excited about the change of the director, Justin Lin however will have a hard time making grounds. A lot of people hoped for a fresh take on the reboot, Lin however is expected to stay very “Abramish” in his take on Star Trek.

With no trailer out yet, hopes, expectations and rumors are running high. I’m really looking forward to the movie. Stay tuned here on Scififantasy Network for more about Star Trek 3, as soon as more information is out.
