Amidst the long waiting for Rogue One, independent filmmaking teams are filling the void with their own Star Wars creations. One of them, The Forge Studios, have recently created their own short film to present to the world: Star Wars: Extraction. The film is quite simple, but entertaining. Desperate to gain an advantage against the forces of the Empire, the Rebel Alliance sends a team to find the location of the Empire’s secret base. Only a single pilot managed to get away and he may hold the fate of the Rebellion in his hands.

You can view the short film here.

The Forge Studios is a team of fantasy/sci-fi indie filmmakers and game developers. Their focus is on creative tales of light, hope, and redemption. Currently, they are looking for funds to develop their next project, Outlawed Faith.

Outlawed Faith is a steampunk/western/sci-fi mashup following the story of young Jonah. Jonah’s faith carries him and his sisters, Celine and Cora, to the borderland town, Harpdale, a dusty crossroads on the edge of the galaxy, where law is what one makes it. They seek out his mother’s old friend, the infamous reformed gunslinger Kulta; but what they find is more than what anyone bargains for.

There is a concept video of the film available on youtube.

If you would like to help the filmmakers succeed, take a look at their kickstarter. The fundraising project is running until the 16th December!
