In this age of digital entertainment, it is unusual to see people gathered around a board or card game. My generation, the one that grew up with Commodore 64, knows the meaning of Apple Macintosh, purchased the first mobile around their 20s and the first PS console around the same time, is a very lucky generation in my opinion.

We transitioned into digital entertainment, carrying with us the experience of board games, deck of cards and game books. After dinner, or on a cosy Sunday afternoon, any time when family and friends were together really, these paper-made inventions would come out. Perhaps this is the reason why the market of board games and decks of cards is primarily aimed at the 30-40 something and up – the ones who spent 5 hours on a Monopoli game, divorced over a game of ‘UNO’, smoked their lungs away in an overnight session of Magic, or pickled their liver on a D&D campaign.

There is a lot to be said for those pleasures, so much so that when someone releases a new board or card game, we pay attention.

Not so long ago The Forge Studios produced ‘The Rangers: A Shadow Rising’, an action-adventure fantasy series. On the back of this successful release, they created the card game by the same title.

It is a combat card game based on strategy, for two players or two teams, which can keep you amused and occupied for several hours. The SFFN has a 1st edition limited release starter deck, containing everything needed to play and it can be yours! It includes the Forces of Light, The Rangers 27 card deck with Character and Specialty cards, and the Forces of Darkness, The Orcs 27 card deck also with Character and Specialty cards.

For your chance to win this fun-filled deck of cards, use the entry form below:

a Rafflecopter giveaway
