Polish me scabbard and dust me charger, Daniel Portman gives us a glimpse at the life of Tyrion Lannister’s squire…..

Daniel Portman (born 13 February 1992) is a Scottish actor. He appeared in the 2010 movie Outcast and got a role in the 2012 film The Angels’ Share. After getting hooked on the Game of Thrones TV series, post Season 1, Portman read the entire series. He was subsequently cast as Podrick from Season 2.

We catch up with Daniel and chat about the life changing experience that is Game of Thrones.

I brought him his meals, cleaned his table when he was finished, I kept his clothing and linens clean, carried his messages and returned the replies. Mostly I poured wine.“― Podrick Payne

Podrick Payne discussing his duties as Tyrion Lannister‘s squire
