Why Tamsin Greig Should be the Next Doctor.

With Peter Capaldi announcing that this will be his final year as the Doctor, it’s time for that age old tradition of journalists and internet people arguing over who should be the next Time Lord. So, I’ll do a little series on this, starting with my favourite. For many years I have been strongly advocating this person, and I’d like to explain why.

Tamsin Greig

Perhaps best know for a roles as Fran Katzenjammer in Black Books and Dr. Caroline Todd in Green Wing. Both comedy roles, sure, but she also has some more serious characters under her belt. She played the role of Edith Frank in The Diary of Anne Frank, and she has acted for the Royal Shakespeare Company (and won a couple of awards with them).

She certainly has the acting chops, and can span the range of serious, emotional, and silly. The Doctor is a character who demands this kind of acting diversity and ability. Quirkiness is also a great asset to any Doctor, and Greig certainly has a lot of it, along with a strong stage presence and ability to lead a scene.

Also, she has the hair.

Paul McGann once said of the role of the Doctor “It’s a hair job”. This in reference to his getting the job based on photos circulating of him with long, flowing locks. The producers had been horrified when McGann walked on set with all that hair shaved off (he had just finished playing a soldier), and so he was made to wear a wig. A wig that he resents to this day.

Greig’s hair is somewhat reminiscent of David Tennant and Matt Smith’s Doctors, perhaps.


I’ve gathered a few clips together that I think showcase Tamsin Greig’s skills and make her a perfect candidate to be the 13th Doctor when Chris Chibnall takes over in 2018.

Here she is at her most Doctor-y…

 Here she is facing off against the Master / Missy…

The Oncoming Storm…

And finally…

So, that’s my view on the matter. Tamsin Greig for the 13th Doctor.

Well, it’s about time, isn’t it?
