We are on a journey to discover the sci-fi and fantasy movies that won the Oscar Award, from 1929 until today in the five main categories (Best Picture, director, actor, actress and screenplay).

The Story so far:
1933 – Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
1942 – Here Comes Mister Jordan
1957 – The Red Balloon
1965 – Mary Poppins
1969 – Charly
1974 – The Exorcist

The 63rd Academy Awards ceremony took place on Monday, March 25,1991 at the Shrine Civic Auditorium, awarding movies released in 1990. This time we have two entries. Finally!

1. Best Actress: Kathy Bates – Misery

The dream of every writer is to meet their number one fan, but not in this case… unless you like to be tied to a bed while being tortured mentally and physically. The master of horror and suspense, Stephen King, strikes again with this literary best seller that, unlike many of his other books, was translated really well into a movie.

Kathy Bates is superb as the psychotic Annie Wilkes, so much so that King later wrote two more roles for her: Dolores Claiborn (1995) and the script for the stand saw a rewrite to allow her to be in the mini-series, playing the character originally called Ray Flowers.

Bates became the first woman to win an Oscar for Best Actress in a horror movie. The first performer to win an Oscar for a horror film was Fredric March for the 1931 version of “Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde“

2. Writing (Original Screenplay): Ghost – Bruce Joel Rubin

Although we have stuck with the five main Oscar categories, it is worth mentioning that Whoopi Goldberg received an Oscar for Best Supporting Actress as well.

In this Fantasy movie, a young couple life is crushed with the death of Patrick Swayze at the hand of his “friend”. His ghost however is not going anywhere and to communicate with his lost partner (Demi Moore), he needs the help of a medium (Whoopi Goldberg). It is a Fantasy romantic comedy, which has been known to leave women in tears, whilst looking frantically for an Elvis-channelling-medium. It is also responsible for an increase in sales of clay and pottery wheels.

Oscar Run: Sci-fi 2 – Fantasy 6
