The movie “The Tale of Tales” directed by Matteo Garrone is a fairytale based on the book “The Tale of Tales” by Giambattista Basile, an Italian author from the 17th century. The story will include three separate storylines. A street circus family played by Italian actor Alba Rohrwacher and Massimo Ceccherini; Selma Hayek as a jealous queen who ruined her husband’s life step by step; and finally Vincent Cassel in the role of a king who is very keen on two mysterious sisters. This movie is Garrone’s début in English and will run at the Cannes Film Festival (13.5.-24.5.2015).
Matteo Garrone is a well known italian film-maker and author. He thrilled the audience before with movies like “Gomorrha” (2008) and “Reality” (2012).
I´m really impressed by the dark and theatrical look of this movie. He was able to capture the feeling and the atmosphere of the 17th century in a morbid and glorious way. The costumes are fantastic, like historical figures just jumped out of their portraits. Jewelry, fabrics and the makeup are really interesting to look at. The locations support the artistic and realistic look even more and although it is just a short teaser, the impact on me was a big one. I´m curios and disturbed at the same time and can’t wait to watch this movie.