The next instalment of the Assassin’s Creed franchise released last week and seems to continue on from Origins’ good work. Odyssey takes the Assassin’s Creed franchise even further into RPG territory with multiple endings, romance-able NPCs and outcomes which change based on player choices made in game. You can also choose to play a male or a female character, Alexios or Kassandra. Odyssey also returns naval combat to the franchise with a new ship to outfit and new seas to conquer.

The game is set in ancient Greece in 431 BCE during Peloponnesian War, a war between Athens and Sparta. The player can choose which side of the war to champion. The improved combat system from the previous title returns with a new skill tree that allows the player to improve their character’s combat abilities in three directions, Hunter, for archery, Warrior for melee combat and Assassin for stealth.



The game has so far received very good reviews, with many labelling it as the best in the series. Unfortunately, I’m on holiday and currently estranged from my PS4, or I’d be giving it a try, already, but I’ll certainly be giving it a look when I get home.
