Articles By This Author


Wildstar – Shade's Eve Event

Happy Halloween! Or Happy Shade’s Eve as it is on Nexus. Yes, it was unfortunately cut from Wildstar’s development last year but here it is


Leo's Fortune Review

Leo’s Fortune is a charming, if rather simple, little indie platform game. The game play is a mix of Sonic the hedgehog, with the need


Pillars of Eternity – Review

Feel free to either watch the review below or read it, the old-fashioned way. I like to cater to all tastes. If you’ve missed this


Dragon Age Inquisition DLC – Trespasser

Feel free to either watch the review below or read it, the old fashioned way. I like to cater to all tastes. The Trespasser DLC


Emmi Itaranta's Memory of Water Review

Emmi Itaranta’s 2014 novel Memory of Water is not a standard science fiction story. There are no spaceships, aliens, time travel, robots, magic or monsters. Only


Competition – The Recollection signed by Gareth L Powell

This competition is closed. LATEST ARTICLES


“Deep Blue” Cover Reveal

Today, publisher Piatkus reveals the cover of Jane O’Reilly’s new book, Deep Blue. It’s the second instalment of The Second Species Trilogy. Date: 27th September 2188. 


The Best and Worst of “Solo: A Star Wars Story”

I wrote about many aspects of Solo in a spoiler-free review. This time, I want to take closer look at what I consider to be


'Wall of Wishes' Surprise Book Launch!

June 17, 2020, Calgary, Alberta: Calgary’s bestselling author Suzy Vadori announces early release of the long-awaited third book in The Fountain Series, Wall of Wishes.


“Solo” Trivia: Han's Homeworld and Cloud-Riders

The upcoming “Solo” movie features several elements that have long history in Star Wars lore. Among those is Han’s homeworld of Corellia or the swoop