Articles By This Author


Star Wars: A New Hope In Concert

On the second weekend of September I had the chance to attend a musical performance of Star Wars: A New Hope In Concert. This was


Winter of the Soul: A Spiritual Analysis of the Game of Thrones Pop Culture Phenomena

More subtly, GoT can be used to validate Machiavellian politics and shadowy character traits. Instead of mixed characters simply being portrayed as sympathetic due to


Supergirl Season 3 'In Search of Lost Time' Review

This episode of Supergirl focuses on J’onn’s father, M’yrnn J’onzz. Since the last episode, team super know about M’yrnn’s illness. And M’yrnn is using ancient


Star Wars: The Force Awakens With “Art Awakens”

Grab your paintbrush! Lucasfilm and HP have decided to celebrate Star Wars: The Force Awakens with “Art Awakens”, a project for amateur artists where they can submit art inspired


Rancor-Riding Witches: Star Wars Bizarre

Concept art of the Nightsisters for The Clone Wars TV series (source: Continuing our series on the most bizarre elements of Star Wars canon


Ken Dolls With Fangs: Why Shadowhunters Sucks

Last week I finally got around to watching Netflix’s new Shadowhunters series. An adaptation of the great Mortal Instruments series by Cassandra Clare, I had


Rebels Season Two – The Story So Far

The second season of Star Wars Rebels is already several episodes in, so it’s a good time to do some evaluation. The plot The plot


Tolkien's 'The Return Of The Ring' – 9th of June Release

In two days time, The Return of the Ring: Proceedings of the Tolkien Society Conference 2012 will be released, to the delight of many. Edited by Lynn Forest-Hill,


Game of Thrones Season 7 Finale: A Slightly Disappointing Return To Greatness

The season finale of Game of Thrones rolled around far too soon with The Dragon and the Wolf. In many ways it marked a return


Blood & Wine: Where Dragons Drink

Did you now there’s a pop-up Game of Thrones themed pub in Edinburgh? Well, you know nothing, Jon Snow. As soon as I learned the