Articles By This Author


Han Solo is Back – Aftermath: Life Debt Review

What did Han Solo and Chewbacca do after Return of the Jedi? Apparently, if you’re a former smuggler about to become a father, you deal


Merry Christmas To Our SFFN Readers!

Dearest readers, After 9 months of hard work, the SFFN is ready to celebrate the end of a fantastic, inaugural year. The way you have


The Tangled Stars: Edward Willett

A con-man, a female cop on the moon with secret revolutionary leanings, and a genetically modified, AI-uplifted talking cat who eventually becomes a starship captain


Star Trek: Discovery- Vaulting Ambition

Hazel’s taking another break from Star Trek reviews for a couple of weeks, so before I tackle this week’s episode, let me give you a


Shapers of Worlds' Anthology. Edited by Edward Willett

Releasing September 22 in e-book and November 14 in print from Regina’s Shadowpaw Press (, Shapers of Worlds is an anthology featuring stories by internationally


Thou Shall Not Grudge The Price Of A Self-published Paperback

In these days of economic uncertainty, comparing prices has become the norm. Everyone likes a bargain and, if you can find what you need in


Why Is Lando Important For Kylo Ren

It is now official that Billy Dee Williams will reprise his role as Lando Calrissian in Episode IX. This is surely important for Lando fans,


The Wolf Inside Predicably Pretends To Kill People While Trying To Give Us A Twist…

Last week Star Trek: Discovery returned with a banger of an episode that confirmed what we all suspected after the mid-season finale. They are indeed


SW Archetypes: Kylo Ren, Rey and the Solo Twins

I would like to go through a “gallery” of characters appearing in the new films who, in one way or another, have remarkable forerunners in


The Anatomy of a Mermaid: Scales and Sinew

Few mythical creatures have undergone as many regular and diverse transformations as the modern mermaid. While their mythological backgrounds are just as mercurial as their