Articles By This Author


Steampunk Writers: Marcus R. Gilman

Today we would like you to meet Marcus R. Gilman, one of the “Steampunk Writers Around the World” authors. Marcus has contributed the short story “HEIRS”, one


“Station Theta Black”: Resistance Mid-Season Finale Review

It’s the mid-season finale for Star Wars Resistance, and the story culminates in a head-on encounter with the First Order. For Kaz, this is his


June Is Robot Month!

This month you will notice an increase in articles or references to robots, although we won’t just stop at that, but include androids, cyborgs, and the like.


Steampunk Writers: Suna Dasi

Today we would like you to meet Suna Dasi, one of the “Steampunk Writers Around the World” authors. Suna has contributed the short story “UNMADE”, one


3 Ideas For Sequel Trilogy Spinoff Video Games

The opinions on sequel trilogy films differ. However, one thing cannot be denied: the setting they created sets up ample opportunities for spinoffs. Here, I


For the Love of Spock

On February 27th 2015 Leonard Nimoy passed away. I have struggled with writing an article only remotely related to Mr Spock or Leonard Nimoy ever


Throwback Steampunk: Interview with Great Steampunk Debate Moderators – Part 3

Welcome back for the conclusion of this interview with moderators from the Great Steampunk Debate – Amanda Stock, John Sondericker III, and Tome Wilson. Part


The Call of Cthulhu: the Novel and the Upcoming Video Game

Having recently written a piece on Bloodborne, which borrows heavily from H. P. Lovecraft’s Cthulhu mythos and philosophy, I thought I’d share my thoughts on


Blue Fire – A New Adventure by E.C. Blake

E.C. Blake, author of the acclaimed Masks of Aygrima trilogy published by DAW Books, has just released a new, stand-alone epic young-adult fantasy-adventure: Blue Fire.


12th Doctor's Sonic Screwdriver Remote Control

I had the pleasure of being invited to get a hands-on demo of the new 12th Doctor’s Sonic Screwdriver Remote Control at the BBC Television