Articles By This Author


On Eagles' Wings – Thayer on Tolkien

Anna Thayer’s latest non-fiction book, “On Eagles’ Wings: An exploration of Eucatastrophe in Tolkien’s Fantasy”, by Luna Press Publishing, will be launched during Fantasycon 2016, in Scarborough’s Grand Hotel. Anna


Alpha Women: 40 Reasons Why You Should Love Kate Daniels

Continuing my series looking at fierce female leads in Urban Fantasy I wanted to take a look at Kate Daniels this week. (If you missed


Displacement: The Upcoming Time-Travel Thriller

A typical day in the life of a top-grade physics student: you wake up in a bath full of ice, having no memory of what


The Rangers' Card Deck Has Arrived

In this age of digital entertainment, it is unusual to see people gathered around a board or card game. My generation, the one that grew


Thoughts on Thrones 7 – The Gift

This week Nathan reviews ‘Game Of Thrones’ Season 5, Episode 7, ‘The Gift’. Tag along for the discussion on the latest episode of the new


Thoughts on Thrones 2 – House of Black and White

This week Mark Percy joins Nathan, to review ‘Game Of Thrones’ Season 5, Episode 2, ‘House Of Black And White’. Tag along as they discuss the latest episode


Star Trek: Discovery – Despite Yourself

Despite Yourself is the episode that welcomed Discovery back to our screens after the mid-season break. We left the crew at the end of Into


Snarc 2: The Journey Continues

Welcome to Snarc 2, the continuing adventures of Snarc, our favorite intergalactic traveler, and his companion Cosmic Staff. As you can see, this issue is


Steampunk Writers: Paulo César Ramírez Villaseñor

Today we would like you to meet Paulo César Ramírez Villaseñor, one of the “Steampunk Writers Around the World” authors. Paulo has contributed the short story


Dilman Dila – Her Broken Shadow

Dilman Dila is a Ugandan writer, filmmaker and social activist. His film, Her Broken Shadow is showing as part of the Africa In Motion Festival in Glasgow on 1st