Felix The Reaper released on Oct 17th and is a puzzle adventure game from indie developer Kong Orange. It is a charming indie title which has received positive reviews on Steam with praise for its graphics, visual style and music.

The game follows Felix who has fallen in love with Betty The maiden, who works in the Ministry of Life. Through working for the Ministry of Death, Felix hopes to eventually meet his love. Felix works in the shadows to align fatal destinies following the orders of the Ministry of Death. Felix is able to turn the sun and move objects to traverse the levels and set up each individual’s timely demise.

There are a total of 20 levels. Completing each level unlocks an optional hardcore version for those who really want to test themselves. The base game is about four to six hours long with extra replay value available through the hardcore levels, time trials and achievements. Reviews, so far, have been mostly positive with just a few reports of the puzzles becoming repetitive after a short while.

The development team worked with real dancers and artists to create Felix’s dance moves and the accompanying music. The result is a charming Indie title that has clearly been a work of love and dedication from its development team.

If you are a supporter of Indie titles and enjoy a good puzzle game then this title might just be for you.
