Final Fantasy XV’s first piece of DLC content released last week and it’s a free limited time event. The download has been available for a while now, the holiday pack but the even only started on the January 25 and will end on the 20th February, so plenty of time if you’ve yet to check it out. The event takes place in the city of Altissia and is set outside the events of the game, so you can access the extra content at any time via the main menu once you’ve downloaded and installed the DLC file. You’ll find the whole city has been decorated to pay homage to Final Fantasy’s cutest critters and whichever is favourite, chocobos or moogles, you can be sure they’ll be a host of quests and challenges to meet your tastes, from chocobo racing on a new course to helping decorating the city to hunting stuffed moogles with your camera.

Only Noctis is present at the carnival with Carbuncle as his only backup, you know the cute furry grey creature that keeps reviving you in the main game? The main aim of the DLC, if you need one, is to collect fifty medallions to exchange for a voucher granting you a VIP pass to the firework event, which takes place each evening. You can pick up these medallions up off the floor while exploring the cities, collect them while fishing in the carnival waters or by completing various quests and challenges. These medallions can also be traded in for rare items from special vendors at the carnival for items like car decor, rare gems for upgrades or fishing and healing supplies. Any items collected will be available in the main game so if there’s a rare treasure you’ve been seeking in the main game that eludes you then you might want to the carnival a look. It might just save you some grind.

It’s worth noting that Noctis can’t gain experience and ability points or even fishing points while at the carnival, so you’ll be playing purely for material gain, but that made it no less fun for me. If you complete all the quests and challenges then you’re looking at an extra four to six hours of game time, perhaps more if you don’t get much luck with the fish you catch, but if you’re only looking to complete the main objective then you could be done within an hour or so. It’s great little event and it’s free if you already own the game, so why not take a look? But don’t forget that it’s only running until the 20th of February, so don’t delay.
